COLOR DREAMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Color Dreams was founded in California in 1988 and released 15 games for the NES in the USA before rebranding itself as Wisdom Tree (below) in 1991. The company also had a subsidiary called Bunch Games (below) that released an additional 5 games. Color Dreams released 14 of their games in a blue and a black cartridge. Operation Secret Storm only came in the black cart. Metal Fighter, Raid 2020, and RoboDemons in the black cart are extremely rare.
Baby Boomer
Captain Comic: The Adventure
Challenge of the Dragon
Crystal Mines
King Neptune's Adventure
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu
Menace Beach
Metal Fighter
Operation Secret Storm
P'Radikus Conflict
Pesterminator: The Western Exterminator
Raid 2020
Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise
Silent Assault
There are five different back label variants for Color Dreams / Bunch Games / Wisdom Tree games. CD 4 refers to an in-game contest where players could locate a pot of gold within the game to win cash & prizes.
CD 1
blue label & white text
CD 2
black label & white text
CD 3
gray label & white text
CD 4
blue label & black text
in-game contest rules
Color Dreams in-game
contest ad sticker from
King Neptune's
Adventure box
CD 5
no back label
molded plastic
2 screws, GameBit 4.5mm
Games with upside-down labels applied are always factory errors, and therefore never classified as "official" variants among collectors. However, so many copies of Captain Comic: The Adventure exist with an upside-down label that most Color Dreams collectors consider it a variant and part of the set.
Captain Comic: The Adventure
upside-down label
BUNCH GAMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bunch Games was a subsidiary of Color Dreams that was started in 1990 and was intended to serve as an additional revenue steam for the company. They only released 5 games before Color Dreams changed direction and rebranded itself as Wisdom Tree. Castle of Deceit, Galactic Crusader, and Moon Ranger were released in the blue and black cartridges. Mission Cobra and Tagin' Dragon were only released in the blue cartridge.
Castle of Deceit
Galactic Crusader
Mission Cobra
Moon Ranger
Tagin' Dragon
WISDOM TREE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In 1991 Color Dreams decided to tap into a new market by releasing Christian-themed games under the name Wisdom Tree. Color Dreams had struggled getting their previous games into major retailers that didn't want to jeopardize their relationships with Nintendo, so these games were primarily sold in Christian book stores. All 7 Wisdom Tree games exist in the black Color Dreams cartridge. The only one to also exist in the blue cart is Bible Adventures. Sunday Funday: The Ride, released in 1995, is a re-worked version of Menace Beach and was one of the very last games released for the NES.
Bible Adventures
Bible Buffet
Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land
Joshua & The Battle of Jericho
King of Kings: The Early Years
Spiritual Warfare
Sunday Funday: The Ride
Some copies of Bible Adventures have a blue "Press Here" sticker over the "Press Here" part of the cartridge. I've never been able to find out why Wisdom Tree did that, or if the labels tie to any specific variant of the game.
Bible Adventures
Press Here sticker
It has been reported that there are some Wisdom Tree games that do exist in the blue cartridge. Supposedly at the very end of production Wisdom Tree was using up whatever inventory it had left to make the final few games. However, there are so few documented examples of these carts that I cannot confirm if they are in fact real factory-produced variants, or if they're fakes created by swapping labels and hardware. One is pictured here.
Joshua & The Battle of Jericho
blue cartridge
There are a ton of variants in the Color Dreams library just based on cartridge color and back label version. The chart below tracks them all. There are even more Color Dreams variants to look for that are detailed on the Game Specific Variants page of this site.